Cheese, crackers and a bowl of chili 

That is all you need for a great book reading/signing… And books to sell to your guests, of course.

I was nervous in the beginning, but at my first ever book signing for my debut novel, A Cry Among Men, which is consistently receiving 5-Stars, I gave my background, I then read a few pre-selected sections, did a Q&A, ate chili…

… and we even did a mannequin challenge. We had a blast.

I have three more signings and a Skpe call already scheduled for December and January. After all the time it took to write A Cry Among Men, I am going to have even more fun now.

Happy reading…

Chase the dream, not the money

C. Erskine Brown Screenwriter/Novelist

The dream is real. How do I know that? Because it took me three and a half years to write A Cry Among Men – The Novel. A daily obsession that I embraced while taking a two and a half hour driving commute to and from work. I would write before leaving the house at 5:00 am. Notes here, notes there at stop lights. I wrote during the twenty minutes left before work got under way. Lunch. The library or Starbucks before my son’s games and plays. And then some more when I got home. I did it because I owe that kind of sacrifice to God, who gave me the gift, the dream. I owe that kind of sacrifice to my children. How else will they learn? I owe readers my best efforts, and I also owe it to all the dreamers out there like me. With God, it can be done.

Acclaimed as the literary world’s…

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Chase the dream, not the money

The dream is real. How do I know that? Because it took me three and a half years to write A Cry Among Men – The Novel. A daily obsession that I embraced while taking a two and a half hour driving commute to and from work. I would write before leaving the house at 5:00 am. Notes here, notes there at stop lights. I wrote during the twenty minutes left before work got under way. Lunch. The library or Starbucks before my son’s games and plays. And then some more when I got home. I did it because I owe that kind of sacrifice to God, who gave me the gift, the dream. I owe that kind of sacrifice to my children. How else will they learn? I owe readers my best efforts, and I also owe it to all the dreamers out there like me. With God, it can be done.

Acclaimed as the literary world’s most controversial novel of our time, A Cry Among Men, by C. Erskine Brown, is now on Amazon and Kindle.


The most horrifying story you will ever read about modern day racism.








I beg your indulgence…

After four years of writing, researching, editing, designing and rereading my debut novel, A Cry Among Men – The Novel more than ten times, I truly felt I had finished. Yet I have discovered this thing called a formating glitch. 

In order to meet the specs of my self-publishing vendor, I need to readjust the PDF page size, fonts and margins. This shouldn’t take too, too long, but the added step is, to say the least, nauseating.

There is good news, though. My cover is ready and waiting. So once that final phase of adjustments are made, here is what eager readers and reviewers around the world will have the opportunity to experience before opening the book. Please join them.

And as always… chase the dream, not the money.

Day 3…

I refuse to rent space in my mind as to how many errors my editor may find. But after five passes of my own plus a software edit… it’s time for a short hiatus.


Another step closer. Its headed to the editor tomorrow. God is awesome!!!

Dream the dream that God gave you. Pursue the dream that God gave you.

Day 1, 2016

Last night I heard a message in church… what you love is a clue to your assignment. If you don’t do it, God will give it to someone else to do; so don’t waste time.

This was me the first day of the year…

Writing New Years Day 2016

Is a writer ever finished?

This is the year that dreams will come true… Happy New Year!!!

Another Social Media Site

I’m trying my hand at another social media site, Pinterest. That’s now six plus two FB pages… smh… Is this how it is supposed to be for a writer? Have any of you tried Pinterest? How do you use it?

I’m using one board to collage images from my book. Hopefully it will help build mental pictures for readers and generate interest.Take a look.